EP Mobile provides tools for cardiac electrophysiologists, cardiologists, internists, emergency room physicians, medical students, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistances, technicians, and other health care workers who deal with cardiac arrhythmias.
You can also scan this QR code to go to the Apple App Store and download the Apple iOS version of the app.
- Drug reference in renal insufficiency with creatinine clearance calculator
- Warfarin clinic weekly dose calculator
- Interval/rate conversion
- QTc calculator (Bazett, Fridericia, Sagie and Hodges formulas)
- Correct QT for intraventricular conduction delay
- Atrial fibrillation risk scores (CHADS2, CHA2DS2-VASc, ATRIA)
- Bleeding risk scores (HAS-BLED, HEMORR2HAGES, ORBIT, ATRIA)
- SAMe-TT2R2 anticoagulation risk score
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy risk scores
- ICD implantation risk score
- ICD in-hospital complication risk score
- Syncope risk scores (SF Rule, Martin, OESIL, EGSYS)
- CMS (Medicare) ICD guidelines calculator
- Ventricular tachycardia localization algorithms
- Epicardial vs endocardial VT
- Outflow tract VT
- Mitral annular VT
- WPW accessory pathway location algorithms (Arruda, Modified Arruda, and Milstein)
- Atrial tachycardia localization algorithm
- Entrainment mapping
- Date calculator
- Body weight calculator (ideal and adjusted body weight)
- Long QT subtypes and ECG patterns
- Short QT diagnosis
- Brugada Syndrome diagnosis
- LVH ECG criteria, including Romhilt-Estes and others
- RVH ECG criteria
- Para-Hisian pacing algorithm
- RV apex vs base pacing algorithm
- ARVC/D 1994 and 2010 diagnostic criteria
- Normal EP values
- Wide complex tachycardia algorithms
- Cardiac tamponade assessment

EP Mobile contains many more modules than those shown here!
thank you for this app! very useful!