Reacting to Terrorism in Nice

Every other year Cardiostim, a major international convention for cardiac electrophysiologists, is held in Nice, France. Starting in 2000, and up until I retired, I made it a point to attend this meeting. The sessions were fun, but more fun was the chance to get away from it all and enjoy the sunny ambiance of the… Continue reading Reacting to Terrorism in Nice

University of Louisville Hospital Merger with Catholic Health Initiatives Rejected

After much anticipation, Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear rejected the proposed merger between the University of Louisville Hospital, Jewish Hospital, Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital with the Denver-based Catholic Health Initiatives.  Even though this will probably hurt all institutions involved financially, I feel this was the right thing to do.  Although some other factors were cited… Continue reading University of Louisville Hospital Merger with Catholic Health Initiatives Rejected

Shame On Us

It is difficult to imagine a human being who would not be deeply saddened by the story of Tyler Clementi. The young college student, a promising musician, was gay and was “outed” in the most malicious and humiliating manner. As a result he ended his life, jumping from the George Washington Bridge. I wonder what… Continue reading Shame On Us

No Religious Test

“…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States…” US Constitution Article VI Section 3. So what was the Rick Warren thing last night with Obama and McCain? How far have we fallen. Not only is belief in imaginary beings a prerequisite to becoming… Continue reading No Religious Test

Rally For Reason

     Well, the Creationist “Museum” opened in Florence, KY last month.  It’s a disgrace for our state and a disgrace for our country since “Dr.” Ham, an Australian, found this to be the most receptive site on our planet for his assault on science.  The ridiculous notion that the universe is 6000 years old reveals the… Continue reading Rally For Reason

Categorized as Religion

The Crusades

An interesting event occurred at the MEPS (Military Entrance and Processing Station) earlier this week.  I’m the Chief Medical Officer there and that’s where I perform accession physicals for people who are interested in joining the military. First, here’s a little background: Prior to shipping to basic training, I perform a quick exam called an… Continue reading The Crusades