Update on EP Mobile and Apple

This is an update on my previous post which dealt with Apple’s rejection of an update to the EP Mobile app because it contained drug dose calculators. According to a clause buried in the App Store Review Guidelines (section 22.9, to be precise), 22.9 apps that calculate medicinal dosages must be submitted by the manufacturer of… Continue reading Update on EP Mobile and Apple

Who Can Write a Drug Dosage Calculator?

Several years ago I had an idea for a smartphone app that could be used to calculate doses for drugs that are prescribed frequently to patients with heart rhythm problems. These drugs include antiarrhythmics such as dofetilide and sotalol, and the new oral anticoagulants such as dabigatran and rivaroxaban. These drugs are handled by the… Continue reading Who Can Write a Drug Dosage Calculator?

Is Medical Board Certification Testing Outdated?

Times change, and, as with Darwinian natural selection, those who adjust survive and those who don’t perish. Henry Ford’s assembly line greatly ramped up the production of automobiles but put many people out of work. The elevator operators of my childhood are long gone. Those who have embraced new technology have usually thrived; those who… Continue reading Is Medical Board Certification Testing Outdated?

Retrofitting Material Design to Pre-Lollipop Android

Android 5.0 Lollipop comes with a complete makeover of the Android user interface. Called Material Design, the new UI replaces the old Holo Light and Dark themes used since Android 4.0. Continuing a trend that started with Microsoft and the flat tiles of their Modern UI, later adapted by Apple with iOS 7 and 8, Material… Continue reading Retrofitting Material Design to Pre-Lollipop Android

Whatever Happened to Netiquette?

Let’s harken back to the early days of the Internet, say the 1990s. In those days of yore, characterized by limited bandwidth and lack of flash animations, people by trial and error attempted to work out the dos and don’ts of online communication. This was before Facebook messaging and tweeting, before SMS and MMS. Communication… Continue reading Whatever Happened to Netiquette?

Lost in EPIC Land

One of the many unanswered questions about the handling of the first Ebola case in the United States is the role of the Electronic Health Record (EHR).  Initial reports put at least some of the blame for the patient’s being sent home from the hospital despite a high risk travel history on a failure of… Continue reading Lost in EPIC Land